Office of Educational Technology
December 2016 OET Newsletter
Team Drives Now Available on Google Apps
As part of a Google Early Adopter Program, Team Drives are now available on UD’s Google Apps. Team Drives are shared Google Apps spaces where staff members access and organize files that they or other team members create. Anyone you add to your team receives immediate access to your team’s files. Although team members may download files, if a team member leaves the team, the files remain in the team space.
To create a Team Drive, click on Team Drives under your Google Apps Drive. The New button will change to New Team Drive. After you create the drive, you can add team members and assign them permissions. Team Drives does not support adding members outside of domain.
Twitter Feeds to Follow
To find out the latest status of OET services and educational technology news, follow @oethelp on Twitter. For the latest updates on IT services and maintenance follow @udelitstatus.
WordPress Users Group
We invite you to join us for our next WordPress Users Group meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, January 25 from 12-1 p.m. in 207 Willard Hall Education Building, when one of our topics will be website security. Bring your questions, other topics, and your lunch!