Office of Educational Technology
Do2Learn: CEHD Maker Space

Do2Learn, the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) maker space, is an area where students, faculty and staff create, educate, help, design, and learn about educational projects ranging from programming to 3D printing to stop action video creation to gardening to sewing.
Many schools and libraries have created maker spaces and introduced interdisciplinary learning opportunities that incorporate Common Core State Standards. Maker spaces reflect current school movements such as blended and personalized learning that promote student engagement, problem solving, and the four C’s of 21st century skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and very important for a maker space—creativity. Using the maker space to acquire these skills will prepare our participants for jobs that have not even been developed yet.
One goal of Do2Learn, located in the Education Resource Center in 012 Willard Hall Education Building, is to involve CEHD students, faculty, staff and community members. It is important to prepare our current students–our future educators–so that they in turn will prepare their students to become future ready. We want our participants to take an active role with us to generate ideas for maker space activities and suggest lesson plans that would support these activities. One of our goals is to have our CEHD students take back to their clinical educators and practicums what they have learned.
We have various supplies and resources in our maker space but the most important resource is you–our students, faculty, and staff! We would like you to participate, suggest, and create. Contact OET to learn more.