Office of Educational Technology
February 2016 OET Newsletter
Do2Learn Grand Opening Set for March 11
How do you create electrical circuits with clay? What can you create with a 3D printer? How do you program a robot? Answer these and other questions at the Do2 Learn maker space grand opening on Friday, March 11, from 2-4:30 p.m. Located in 012 Willard Hall Education Building, Do2Learn is an area where CEHD students, faculty and staff create, educate, design, and learn about hands-on educational projects ranging from programming to 3D printing to stop action video creation to gardening to sewing.
Do2Learn had soft openings on January 20 and February 2 where participants learned how to program a Finch robot using the Scratch programming language and created electrical circuits with homemade clay. We hope that you will discover the possibilities on March 11.
Great Work!
Pat yourself on the back for a job well done! This month, IT sent UD employees a phish message prompting action to upgrade our email service. We are happy to report that, according to IT, no CEHD employee responded to this phish! Overall, 18 percent of UD employees responded to the message, a seven percent drop from the last time IT sent a phishing message. An IT blog post deciphers what everyone should have looked at in that message to tell it was a phish.
Continue to be wary of e-mail and phone messages you receive, especially during this tax season. The Internal Revenue Service lists active scams on its website. In general, if a message sounds too good to be true, was not expected, or prompts you for immediate action, be suspicious of its legitimacy. Do not click on any links
or enter in your UDelNet ID or password, in response to these messages. It is best to delete these messages and then delete them from your deleted items folder. If you are not sure about a message, contact OET.
2016 Transformation Grant
Do you want to enhance your teaching and your students’ learning through the use of technology? If so, you are encouraged to apply for the 2016 Transformation Grant that combines resources from the Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning and Academic Technology Services. Several CEHD faculty have received awards from the grant in previous years. Funding is awarded on a competitive basis to proposals that fit goals and criteria for the innovative uses of technology. Good luck to those who apply!
OCS Website Launch
The newly redesigned Office of Clinical Studies website went live in February. Both Delaware Center for Teacher Education (DCTE) and OET staff worked on development of the website that features the new UD and CEHD branding, the new CEHD template, new navigation menus, and a calendar. The site provides information on professional education programs across UD to support the preparation of educators.
The Office of Educational Technology develops websites for on-campus units and external groups. If you are interested in website development, contact OET.
Educational App of the Month: Fotor
Are you looking for a free app that allows you to edit images quickly and easily for use in PowerPoints or social media apps? Then look no further than Fotor that allows you to resize, crop, rotate, and straighten images. There is no need to create a Fotor account; you can save images directly to your computer or Dropbox. You also can create collages and posters with a limited number of free templates. The free version includes ads but for the basic image editing, the few ads are worth it.
UDETC is on Saturday, March 5
What has…
- 1 Amazing Keynote!
- 26 Sessions with 31 Exciting Educator Presenters!
- Raffle Prizes!
The UD Educational Technology Conference!
Connect, share and learn with other PreK-20 educators on Saturday, March 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the University of Delaware Educational Technology Conference. Register today at The cost is $60 ($50 for full-time UD faculty, staff and students) and includes conference materials, parking and lunch.