Office of Educational Technology
May 2017 OET Newsletter
Information Technologies has distributed a limited number of Cylance licenses to CEHD for installation on UD-owned computers. Whereas virus protection reacts to malware, Cylance is software that proactively detects potential threats. Cylance runs alongside of McAfee VirusScan that is installed on all CEHD-owned laptops and desktops.
We do not have Cylance licenses for the entire College, so we have identified individuals, based on their positions, who access sensitive data such as student records, intellectual data, and financial systems. We will contact these individuals over the next few weeks to install Cylance on their computers. Once installed, Windows clients should see a Cylance folder in the applications list and the Cylance shield in the notification area on the bottom right of the Windows interface. Macintosh clients should see Cylance in the Applications folder and the Cylance shield on the top right of the menu bar.
Cylance will scan the files on your computer and report any threats to a console interface that IT and OET staff can view. A typical report is below.
Roaming with Eduroam
Eduroam is the preferred secure wireless network for students, faculty, and staff at the University of Delaware. Developed for the international research and education community, eduroam provides encrypted network access. Without requesting additional credentials, it allows you to gain network access at other participating eduroam sites. Before you use eduroam at other institutions, IT recommends that you log into it at the University of Delaware first. Visitors from other eduroam institutions also will be able to connect to UD’s wireless network.
Over the next few months, IT plans to transition away from UDel Secure. In response, we will configure Eduroam on computers we visit and as part of our standard set up procedure. In the meantime, you can configure eduroam now on your devices. Further information is available on IT’s and eduroam’s sites.
Tech Tip: How to Restore Deleted Email from Your Exchange Account
Problem: You have just deleted all the items in your Deleted Items folder when you realize that you need a message that was in there.
Solution: Log into OWA. Right click on your Deleted Items folder and choose Recover Deleted Items. Choose the item you want to restore and click the Recover button and then OK. Mail items will be restored to the inbox.