Office of Educational Technology
October 2017 OET Newsletter
Computer Refreshment
Is your computer due for an upgrade? If so, you may be eligible for computer refreshment. The Office of Educational Technology supplies faculty and staff in CEHD academic units funding to replace or upgrade desktop computers with monitors or laptops on a five-year rotating basis. This includes faculty on continuing, benefited appointments and permanent, benefited exempt and non-exempt staff. Funding is used to replace the faculty or staff member’s primary computer on campus. More information is available in the CEHD computer refreshment policy.
Personal in Nature
The next time you save a file to the H: drive, your home folder on the OET network, we encourage you to look for and remove non-work-related or personal files. To free up storage resources and shorten the file backup process, personal files should be removed from the H: drive and stored on personal media or, if the files don’t contain personally-identifiable information, uploaded to personal cloud account services such as Dropbox.
Backups of all data, including any personal files, occur on our file servers daily, weekly, and monthly with January’s and June’s monthly backups saved for seven years. Complete details on the process are available in CEHD’s file storage, backup, and retention policy.
An Invitation to The Tech Fair
Information Technologies will hold The Tech Fair 2017 on Wednesday, November 15, in the Trabant University Center multipurpose rooms. You’re invited to stop by between 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to learn about the latest campus technologies and for the chance to win an Amazon Echo, Apple TV, and other prizes. Lunch will be provided. Register at
Microsoft Office 365 with OneDrive
On January 15, IT will make Microsoft Office 365 with OneDrive available to faculty and staff. Currently, IT participates in the Microsoft Office 365 for Education program that allows students and employees to download Microsoft Office at no charge on their personal machines. Microsoft Office 365 with OneDrive will allow faculty and staff to sync, share, and collaborate in the cloud and on work machines. More details to come.
OET Passwords Set to Expire Annually
Passwords for the OET network have been set to expire annually on a staggered basis by unit. This requirement limits the length of exposure, if an unauthorized source obtains your password. You will receive a notification when you log onto your computer or access your shared drive, when it’s necessary to change your password. To avoid any downtime, we recommend changing your password before then, at your convenience, if you haven’t done so recently. Directions on how to change your password are on OET’s site or contact OET.